COS 598e: Reading List

* I will distribute hardcopies of papers whose names are postfixed by red stars.

1. Introduction: administrivia, history of important file system development milestones, overview of literatures to be covered, where I think the interesting research opportunities may lie.
The UNIX Time-Sharing System by Dennis M. Ritchie and Ken Thompson. (lecture slides)

2. Understanding disks: disk modeling and technology trends.
An Introduction to Disk Drive Modeling by Chris Ruemmler and John Wilkes. (lecture slides)
Emerging Trends in Data Storage on Magnetic Hard Disk Drives by Edward Grochowski *. (There is a a web version that gives most of the data.)

3. Local File Systems.
A Fast File System for UNIX by Marshall Kirk McKusick, William N. Joy, Sammuel J. Leffer, Robert S. Fabry. (lecture slides)
The Design and Implementation of a Log-Structured File System by Mendel Rosenblum and John K. Ousterhout. (lecture slides)

4. Interfacing with Disk.
The Logical Disk: A New Approach to Improving File Systems by Wiebren de Jonge, M. Frans Kaashoek, and Wilson C. Hsieh. (lecture slides)
Virtual Log Based File Systems for a Programmable Disk by Randolph Y. Wang, Thomas E. Anderson, and David A. Patterson. (lecture slides)

5. RAID.
RAID: High-Performance, Reliable Secondary Storage by Peter M. Chen, Edward K. Lee, Garth A. Gibson, Randy H. Katz, and David A. Patterson. (lecture slides)
The HP AutoRAID Hierarchical Storage System by John Wilkes, Richard Golding, Carl Staelin, and Tim Sullivan. (lecture slides)

6. Communications.
Implementing Remote Procedure Calls * by Andrew D. Birrell and Bruce Jay Nelson.
Active Messages: a Mechanism for Integrated Communication and Computation by Thorsten von Eicken, David E. Culler, Seth Copen Goldstein, and Klaus Erik Schauser.
Separating Data and Control Transfer in Distributed Operating Systems by Chandramohan A. Thekkath, Henry M. Levy, and Edward D. Lazowska.

(lecture slides for all three papers)

7. Client/server network file systems.
Design and Implementation of the Sun Network Filesystem * by Russel Sandberg, David Goldberg, Steve Kleiman, Dan Walsh, and Bob Lyon.
Scale and Performance in a Distributed File System * by John H. Howard, Michael L. Kazar, Sherri G. Menees, David A. Nichols, M. Satyanarayanan, Robert N. Sidebotham, and Michael J. West.
Caching in the Sprite Network File System by Michael N. Nelson, Brent B. Welch, and John K. Ousterhout.

(lecture slides for all three papers)

8. Disconnected operation.
Disconnected Operation in the Coda File System (pdf, postscript) by James J. Kistler and M. Satyanarayanan (postscript version: some versions of ghostview might choke but it should print fine). (lecture slides)

9. Measurement.
Measurements of a Distributed File System by Mary G. Baker, John H. Hartman, Michael D. Kupfer, Ken W. Shirriff, and John K. Ousterhout. (correction letter for the paper) (lecture slides)

10. Cooperative caching.
Cooperative Caching: Using Remote Client Memory to Improve File System Performance by Michael D. Dahlin, Randolph Y. Wang, Thomas E. Anderson, and David A. Patterson. (lecture slides)
Implementing Global Memory Management in a Workstation Cluster by Michael J. Feeley, William E. Morgan, Frederic H. Pighin, Anna R. Karlin, Henry M. Levy, and Chandramohan A. Thekkath. (lecture slides)

11. Serverless systems.
The Zebra Striped Network File System by John H. Hartman and John K. Ousterhout. (lecture slides)
Serverless Network File Systems by Thomas E. Anderson, Michael D. Dahlin, Jeanna M. Neefe, David A. Patterson, Drew S. Roselli, and Randolph Y. Wang. (lecture slides)
Petal: Distributed Virtual Disks by Edward K. Lee and Chandramohan A. Thekkath. (pdf)
Frangipani: A Scalable Distributed File System by Chandramohan A. Thekkath, Timothy Mann, and Edward K. Lee.
(lecture slides for Petal and Frangipani)
File Server Scaling with Network-Attached Secure Disks by Garth A. Gibson, David F. Nagle, Khalil Amiri, Fay W. Chang, Eugene M. Feinberg, Howard Gobioff, Chen Lee, Berend Ozceri, Erik Riedel, David Rochberg, and Jim Zelenka.
A Cost-Effective, High-Bandwidth Storage Architecture by Garth A. Gibson, David F. Nagle, Khalil Amiri, Jeff Butler, Fay W. Chang, Howard Gobioff, Charles Hardin, Erik Riedel, David Rochberg, and Jim Zelenka. (pdf)
(lecture slides for NASD)

12. Database.
Shoring Up Persistent Applications by Michael J. Carey, David J. DeWitt, Michael J. Franklin, Nancy E. Hall, Mark L. McAuliffe, Jeffrey F. Naughton, Daniel T. Schuh, Marvin H. Solomon, C. K. Tan, Odysseas G. Tsatalos, Seth J. White, and Michael J. Zwilling. (lecture slides)

13. Non-technical.
How to give a talk by John Ousterhout, Mark Hill, and Margo Seltzer. (lecture slides)


COS598e                               © 1999    Randy Wang