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Effect of Double Synchronous Writes
Figure 12:
Effect on TPC-C throughput as we^M
write to two disks synchronously. The total number of disks is a^M
constant (36). Labels that include the word ``Delay'' denote^M
experiments that propagate all but the first replicas in the^M
background. Labels that include the word ``Sync'' denote experiments^M
that write two replicas synchronously.
In the previous experiments, all but the first replicas are propagated
in the background.
To raise the degree of reliability, one may desire
to have two copies physically on disk before a
write request is allowed to return.
We now study the effect of
increasing foreground writes on three alternative configurations: a
RAID-10, a Doubly Distorted Mirror (DDM), and a
EW-Array. The DDM performs two synchronous eager-writes and moves one
of the two copies to a fixed location in the background. We note that
the system that we have called the DDM is in fact a highly optimized
implementation that is based on the MimdRAID disk location prediction
mechanism and the eager-writing scheduling algorithms, features not
detailed in the words of ``write anywhere'' in the simple original
simulation-based study [19]. (We do not consider SR-Arrays
because the pure form of an SR-Array involves only intra-disk
replication which does not increase the reliability of the system.)
As expected, extra foreground write slows down
both the RAID-10 and the EW-Array.
However, for a given request arrival rate that does
not cause performance collapse, the response time degradation
experienced by the RAID-10 is more pronounced than that seen on the
EW-Array. This is because the cost of an extra update-in-place
foreground write is relatively greater than that of an extra
foreground eager-write. The performance of the DDM lies in between
, because the two foreground writes enjoy some performance benefit of
eager-writing but the extra update-in-place write becomes costly,
especially when the request arrival rate is high. One of the purposes
of this third update-in-place write is to restore data locality that
might have been destroyed by the eager-writes. This is useful for
workloads that exhibit both greater burstiness and locality.
Unfortunately, the TPC-C workload is such that it does not benefit
from this data reorganization.
Next: Effect of the Delayed
Up: Experimental Results
Previous: Playing the Trace at
Chi Zhang